Starting a vegetable garden - our top tips

We're really embracing spring with our latest blog- our top tips to start and nurture a vegetable garden. Whatever the space you have, this guide will get you off to a flying start!

Assess the plot

It all starts with picking the perfect plot. You're ideally looking for a spot that gets 8 hours sunlight, and easy access to water wouldn't go amis either! Good drainage and fairly stable conditions (not too exposed to the wind) are nice additions too. You can always start small- the plot doesn't need to be big!

Choose carefully

When it comes to deciding what to grow, the number one tip has to be picking vegetables you'll really enjoy eating. Take real time to research the varieties; if you don't feel you have a huge amount of space, there are often dwarf varieties of your favourite vegetables you can grow instead. 

Think about the space you have and the conditions of your garden, and pick yor veggies from there!

Embrace the flora and fauna

Welcome some creepy crawlies back into your garden! Creepy crawlies aerate the soil and maintain a good balance ecosystem in your veggie patch.

On fauna, take a look at this companian planting guide to help you think about the best things to plant together. 

Soil and seeds!

Quality really matters when it comes to your seeds and soil. With soil, choose peat-free organic soil if possible. Your veggies get all their nutrients from the soil you choose- what you put in is what you get out. In fact, one teaspoon of healthy soil contains more living organisms than there are people in the world!

There's a whole host of organic seeds available online, including Premier Seeds Direct which sell organic seeds for all your favourite veggies.   

Keep a gardener's diary

At the risk of sounding like we're trying to make you do your homework, keeping a gardener's diary is so key when it comes to getting the most from your vegetable patch. You can use it to help you plan ahead, and to make sure you get the most from your patch all year round. 

And if you don't have the time to plan that meticulously, you can always use a garden plan like this one here, or try a vegetable gardening assistant like Sprout Vegetables! Their subscriptions will do all the hard work for you.  

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