Eco-friendly Easter

However you're choosing to celebrate Easter this year, it's always good to find tips and tricks to make it a little greener. From Easter egg hunts to the Easter lunch menu, take a look at our greener Easter guide below for some waste-free trips.

Easter eggs

It's difficult when it comes to Easter eggs, as so many are often packaged in excess plastic and other unnecessary layers. You could opt for Fair Trade organic chocolate, like these eggs from Divine chocolate in plastic-free packaging.  You could also opt for something a bit different like these eggs from Groupie. Their beautifully decorated tin eggs are designed to be reused, and you can buy them filled with delicious chocolates. 

Egg hunts

If you're putting on an easter egg hunt for some very excited children, using natural dyed eggs is a very simple way to keep the excited but reduce the waste. You can use the eggs after for a salad or sandwich filling, and colouring the egg shell doesn't make them any less compostable- great news! 

You could also opt for wooden eggs- solid or those that can be refilled- so you can decorate them and use them year after year. Perfect!


When it comes to decorations, natural or reusable are both great paths to head down. With handmade easter decorations to hang on trees, or organic locally grown flowers, there's plenty of ways to brighten up your home without harming the planet. 


Easter lunch

 You can always think about going meat-free for Easter, and there are some great examples here. Otherwise, if you prioritise sourcing your ingredients locally, you'll be doing pretty well! Check out some delicious Easter recipes here

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